Charles Poliquin Bodybuilding Program

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Since I couldnt make up my mind, I created 2 versions of the 531 workout spreadsheet. Originally I had 4 versions two that rounded and two that didnt but. Q What is meant by the term quad dominant A Quad dominant is a popular term used in sportsmedicine that refers to the idea that the quadriceps provides. Kroc-Row.jpg' alt='Charles Poliquin Bodybuilding Program' title='Charles Poliquin Bodybuilding Program' />Charles Poliquin Bodybuilding ProgramCharles Poliquin Bodybuilding ProgramBetter Blood Glucose with Lower Meal Frequency. A new study called Effect of meal frequency on glucose and insulin excursions over the course of a day questions the all too popular recommendation of eating every so often to keep blood sugar in check. It actually shows that such advice can be counterproductive, as high meal frequency leads to higher blood sugar levels compared to low meal frequency. Today, were going to get in depth about the most popular Intermittent Fasting protocols. Before we begin, in the last article about intermittent fasting, I gave. When using this program or any other, you should keep a detailed journal of the exact setsreps and rest intervals performed, and only count the repetitions completed. Average Weight Loss After Baby Delivery How to Lose Weight Fast weight loss dr in st charles mo Burn Belly Fat In A Week Best Way To Burn Fat And Not Muscle What. Yes, thats right eating every 2 3rd hour to manage blood sugar is nonsense and a myth thats just about to die. The World is Upside Down. Its funny how mainstream health advice in regards to diet and meal frequency gets turned upside down by new and more accurate research. In 2. 01. 0 we learned that three meals is better for appetite control. We also saw more hard evidence for the fact that a higher meal frequency does not stoke your metabolism or lead to better fat loss. Fortunately, some mainstream media outlets are starting to wake up and has enough sense to inform people as we saw when the New York Times debunked the myth about meal frequency and fat loss. Sad thing is that theyre more than a decade late. Thats OK though. Hell, even I was late to finding out but Ive been talking about this nonsense since 2. We also saw the New York Times cover the benefits of fasted training. Again, the NYT is late to the party I summarized that study back in September. Furthermore, Ive been training fasted, and have been using fasted training as part of diet regimens for myself and my clients since around 2. Check out the Fasted Training tag. We should be thankful that a big and influential newspaper like the NYT is relaying this information to its large audience. Indeed, as far as mainstream media outlets go you can say that theyre on the cutting edge as far as new diet research is concerned. But if you want to stay on the true cutting edge, you better have Leangains bookmarked D Or better yet, subscribe in a reader or by email. I remember way back in the days when I first started talking and writing about meal frequency, fasting and fasted training on blogs and forums. Everyone thought I was crazy. Guess whos laughing now. But I digress back to the topic. The Meal Frequency Myth. As you have probably heard and read many times over in the form of weight loss advices given by health enthusiasts and dietitians alike eating small meals every second to third hour is supposed to keep your blood sugar in check. Thats on top of other benefits that include boosting metabolism, improving appetite control, preventing muscle catabolism, and so forth. If you are a regular reader of this site, you know that this is utter nonsense and even in complete opposition to what actually happens. I thoroughly debunked these myths in Top Ten Fasting Myths Debunked a must read if you havent read it yet. Blood Glucose and Health. Advertising Agency Website Templates on this page. Maintaining blood sugar within a healthy range is important, as higher blood sugar levels may predispose people to insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Thats on top of other diseases such as atherosclerosis and Alzheimers. Furthermore, it as long been hypothesized that high blood sugar blood glucose may accelerate the aging process. It should be noted that the aging hypothesis, and the link between blood glucose and Alzheimers, is based on animal and cell culture studies. As you can understand, it would be hard to establish a definitive link between blood glucose, aging and other diseases in free living humans. That said, it is not far fetched to assume that our bodies havent adapted to the modern diet with its high calorie intakes and highly refined carb sources. The abundance of junk food and highly concentrated carb sources provides endless opportunities for spiking blood glucose to heights that we are ill equipped to deal with. That there will be a backlash for those who continuously maintain higher blood glucose may not be a wild theory. In summary, maintaining blood sugar within a healthy range is very important for individuals with poor glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity prediabetes. However, it might also be of interest for just about anyone who wants to live a longer and disease free life. Blood Glucose and Meal Frequency. While debunking myths about meal frequency and metabolism is easy, the scientific literature on meal frequency and blood glucose BG is harder to explore and reach a conclusion on. For one thing, there is the issue of taking blood samples at the right time point in order to make a fair assessment on the result. Lets say we want to track average BG levels during a day of either 3 or 6 meals. We split meals equally in terms of calories i. BG at various time points. The first time point is one hour after the first meal. Needless to say, the first reading is going to show a higher value after the 8. On the other hand, the 3 meal group will have a lower BG reading in the third and fourth hour of the experiment just as the 6 meal group is eating or finishing the second meal. The above is an example but illustrates the problem. Proper timing of sampling is a huge confounder and this has been handled poorly in earlier studies on meal frequency, BG, and insulin. In order to make a fair assessment of the results, researchers need perfect timing in relation to meals or draw several blood samples throughout the day. Otherwise, the results will be highly misleading. Another monumental confounder has been using different nutrient compositions of meals. Not standardizing calorie and macronutrient composition in the above mentioned context makes any conclusion drawn from results worthless. Each nutrient has an independent effect on BG and insulin. Carbs raise BG and insulin the most, protein much less so, and fat the least. Feast your eyes upon this beauty. I ate a lot of cheesecake this Christmas. Gene Loves Jezebel Blogspot on this page. The events that transpired will not go unnoticed and I shall tell you more about it soon. Keep in mind that I dont recommend this practice for optimal blood glucose control. You might wonder what a picture of a cheesecake slice is doing in the middle of a diet study review. First of all, your brain needed a break from the science talk. Second of all, cheesecake is a hell of a lot better than lame graphs, a bodybuilder holding a dumbbell, or some chick doing yoga. The New Study Greater Accuracy. The new study seeks to improve on the lacking methodology used in past studies. From the paper In contrast to previous research, this study used frequent blood sampling to track glucose and insulin concentrations to three and six subsequent nutrient ingestions. OK, so lets look at how the study was conducted, what the results showed, and what we can take away from it all. Method. The participants arrived to the laboratory fasted, after which baseline blood samples were taken. On three separate occasion, each participant was then fed the following 1. CHO 6. 5 carbs, 1. CHO 6. 5 carbs, 1. PRO 3. 5 carbs, 4. Meals were taken in the form of liquids carbs in the form of sucrose and corn syrup, protein in the form of soy protein. Fat came with the protein supplement. Certainly not ideal but liquid meals are standard in these types of experiments. Meals were eaten every second hour starting at 7 A. M. for the 6 meal groups 6 CHO and 6 PRO and every fourth hour starting at 7 A. M. for the 3 meal experiment 3 CHO. Blood samples were drawn every 1.